태광 정산컨트리클럽에 오신 것을 환영합니다.


Categories Regulations Processing on site The next process
Booking ① Cancellation before 2 days and after 16 hours
② Cancellation before 1 days and after 16 hours
  Warning by written (3 times asked to leave  the golf course)
Stop receiving booking and playing golf 15 days
Get in, register ① Cancellations are not notified (No show)
②Impersonation members
Do not get on the golf course Stop receiving booking and playing golf 30 days
In the golf course ① Does not comply of costume
‚② Clients lack of golf skills that affect others
③ Does not comply of regulations on non- smoking area
④ Deliberately obstructing the process of golfers
⑤ Walking and smoking on the way
⑥ Speaking loudly, urinating
(3 times asked to leave  the golf course)
⑦ ‡Accident is caused by hitting wrong Compensation Stop receiving booking  and playing golf 30 days
ˆ⑧ Violence, abuses, teasing staff
⑨ Deliberately destroyed facilities
⑩ Deliberately destroyed green
⑪ Not satisfy the legitimate requirements of staffs
  Invited out of the golf course and prohibited to get in
Others In case serious violations of those regulations
Standard ① Stop receiving bookings and  playing golf: follow the standard is 15 days.
②  In case of cancellation of booking, cancellation after 16 hours, the calculation is canceled after 1 day.
③ Members, member guests or person of Members is introduce by Member that infringement punishment, will apply for members
④  Forms processing "3 times out of the golf course" was the first punishment, the person in charge of caution, management 2nd
